Four Things You Should Know About Postpartum Depression

As aches and pains dominate a woman’s pregnancy, it is not uncommon for many women to feel a new type of pain after delivery, postpartum depression. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 1 in 10 women in the United States experience depression, whereas 1 in 9 women experience postpartum depression. This type of depression often occurs after a baby is delivered, and are more intense than the common “baby blues.” While there has been a lot of research into this subject in many years, here are four things you might be surprised to learn about postpartum depression.
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There Are Many Risk Factors

While risk factors for diseases or conditions are often resigned to a physical ailment, a mental issue can carry these same generation markers. A few risk factors for postpartum depression include low social support, difficulty getting pregnant, being a teen mom, and having a history of depression in your family.


Postpartum Depression is Different From The Baby Blues

As mentioned above, people can sometimes confuse the “baby blues,” with postpartum depression, but it’s important to know that the latter can be much more serious. With postpartum depression, a woman can experience feelings that might interfere with her ability to take care of herself and her family. In addition, this condition requires treatment as opposed to the baby blues.


It Can Be Triggered From Sleep Deprivation

One more thing to worry about during the early months of your child’s life is that you can get postpartum depression from sleep deprivation. Typically, the first thing a doctor will look at when treating postpartum depression is getting you on a better sleeping schedule. Doctors recommend that a mother sleeps when their baby is sleeping.


Postpartum Psychosis Is Very Rare

While it’s often newsworthy to see mother’s at their wit’s end when suffering from postpartum depression, it’s important to know that this type of behavior is extremely rare. This only typically affects 1 or 2 out of 10,000 women and includes hallucinations like your baby being the devil. This type of suffering is again very rare and with regular visits from a doctor, your depression should dissipate.


For more information on postpartum depression, visit the page on the National Institute of Mental Health or the CDC.