Four Tips To Help Keep Sane While Pregnant During The Coronavirus Epidemic

It would be an understatement to say that living during the coronavirus epidemic is stressful, but being pregnant during this epidemic provides new questions on what should be an exciting and happy time in any person’s life. As more and more questions arise though, we get more answers, thankfully.
Four Tips To Help Keep Sane While Pregnant During The Coronavirus Epidemic

When handling the day-to-day of this epidemic, it’s important to not only check in on yourself physically but also mentally. Here are a few tips on some of the best ways to handle the coronavirus epidemic while pregnant.


Listen to the experts

Practice the instructions provided by the CDC and other local health authorities. Remember washing your hands vigorously, avoid touching your face, staying at least 6 feet away from other people, and clean items that people use a lot like phones, doorknobs, and countertops.


Limit Your News Media Intake

While information is power, constantly scrolling through news feeds to learn what’s happening next from minute to a minute can be unhealthy. Try setting limits by allowing yourself to check the news once in the morning and maybe once more in the evening.


Daily or Nightly Meditation

Insomnia throughout pregnancy is a normal occurrence, especially in the third trimester. Tossing and turning with these new thoughts racing through your mind can be stressful, so meditation can be helpful. There are many apps that can help with this.

Some styles of meditation include Emotional Awareness, Deep Relaxation, Sleep Meditations, Walking Meditations, Connecting with Baby, Couples Meditations, and even Labor Preparation. You can also select from 5-minute, 10-minute, or 20-minute increments.

Connect With Others

Just because we are spending more time away from each other doesn’t mean we need to speak to each other any less. Keep a regular “Zoom date” with other expectant mothers you know, or join online support with people who are feeling what you are feeling.

Besides these options, Walk In Sunshine is working on putting together a section on our website that has resources for women who are pregnant during the coronavirus epidemic.


About Walk In Sunshine

Walk In Sunshine is a charity that focuses on online resources for families who have lost a child. We plan to continue to post articles addressing all types of child loss. We will also donate $1,000 to the final arrangements of any child loss in Union County from 20 weeks gestation until the child turns 18.